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Getting The Most From Mixbus
Course Introduction (2:05)
The Source Tracks
Download Files
Getting Started
Starting a Session (2:54)
Importing Tracks (4:06)
The Mixer Window (7:40)
The Editor Window (4:04)
Session Snapshots (2:38)
Organizing the Session
Ordering and Coloring Tracks (4:32)
Baseline Level and Panning: Drums and Bass (5:50)
Baseline Level and Panning: Instruments and Vocals (7:07)
Mixing Session Setup
Routing to Mixbuses (4:56)
Creating Groups (3:35)
Setting Up DAW-Style Audio Buses (7:41)
Creating VCAs and Assigning Tracks (5:54)
Preparing to Mix
Adding Song Location Markers (6:45)
Pre-Fader vs Post-Fader (6:10)
Bus Processing (4:52)
Mixing Acoustic Drums
Aligning Drum Tracks (9:51)
Dialing Up a Basic Drum Mix (5:29)
The Overheads (7:46)
The Kick Drum (8:34)
The Snare Drum (5:50)
Adding Punch to the Kick and Snare (4:39)
The Toms (5:21)
The Tambourine (2:56)
The Room Mics (3:43)
The Spot Mic (3:49)
Room Reverb (3:10)
The Cymbal Swell (3:25)
Polarity Optimization (2:53)
Revisiting the Buses
Adjusting Bus Compression and Saturation (3:54)
Adding Space
Reverb for the Snare (4:34)
Using a Long Reverb (4:59)
Mixing Electronic Drums
Separating the Electronic Drums (7:10)
The Electronic Bass Drum (4:19)
Electronic Snare and Hi Hat (4:20)
Mixing Lead Vocals
Adding Reverb to the Vocal (6:06)
Vocal Delay (3:50)
Mixing Instruments I
The Bass Guitar (10:17)
Balancing the Instruments (7:01)
Instrument Bus Processing (5:45)
The Acoustic Guitars (5:32)
Instrument Reverb (4:46)
Revisiting the Acoustic EQ (3:09)
The Electric Guitar (6:22)
The Electric Guitar: Trying Again (10:41)
Refining the Mix I
Miscellaneous Tweaks (2:46)
Vocal Enhancements (7:38)
Mid-Course Moment: Recording Using the Record Window
Using the Record Window (6:06)
Mixing Instruments II
The Guitar Solo (5:57)
The Piano (6:57)
Refining the Mix II
Panning and Enhancement (5:51)
Electric Guitar Trials & Tribulations (4:48)
A Mulligan for the Electric Guitar (8:10)
Bus Equalization
Equalization on the FX Buses (2:45)
Equalization on the Master Bus (5:27)
Finalizing the Mix
Pre-Automation Tweaks (7:13)
Phase-Alignment for the Piano Tracks (2:55)
Cleaning Up the Vocal Track (7:37)
Cleaning Up the Instrument Tracks (14:41)
Polishing the Mix
Chorus Vocal Panning (3:50)
Ducking Instruments (4:40)
Automating the Vocal Panning Effect (3:31)
Automating the Piano Level (4:36)
Adding Vocal Echoes (6:36)
Adjusting Vocal Levels (4:21)
Wrapping Up
Exporting the Mix (8:41)
Final Thoughts (2:22)
Adding Punch to the Kick and Snare
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